I also wanted to share this video with everyone. This is one of my favorite videos of Avery. This just shows how cute he is!
Here is another video. This one is just too cute not to post!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Zoey can sing!!!
I have to share this video! Isn't she just so darn cute!!???!!
Granted, the television was probably hurting her ears but ZOEY CAN SING!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I have a feeling...That tonight's gonna be a good night!
I got together with a few friends this weekend and had the best time. I thought I would share a few pics from the night. I love these girls!

I know I can be boring on most nights but I like to think we have a pretty good time when we get together!
Last Regular Season Game at the MAC!
Yesterday was the last regular season game at McAndrew Stadium. Very bitter-sweet. Although the game was a blowout and the longest game ever it was a lot of fun. I even got a few pics with my parents which doesn't happen very often!

And THIS is when we got a tad bit bored...

Either way, we had a blast and we can't wait for the playoffs!! GO DAWGS!!
Stay away from the ladder!!!
So, my dad finally decided to start working on their roof after the May 8, 2009 storm. Instead of just fixing the spots that needed to be fixed, mom and dad decided to replace the whole roof. The destruction started on a Thursday and was supposed to last throughout the weekend.
This was taken a few days ago so it looks even better than this! Now, there is just a little bit of swelling above the eye and a small bruise below the eye. If we learned anything from this...dad is NOT ALLOWED ON LADDERS ANYMORE! (I failed to mention that the last time he was dealing w/ ladders he broke his toe!!)
Well, come Thursday afternoon I get a call from my sister and all she says was:
"Have you talked to mom?"
"No, why? What happened?"
"Dad fell off the roof and hit his head."
Of course I freaked! I told my boss I had to leave and immediately ran to see who was working in the ER at Memorial Hospital. I ran to my car when my mom called and said that dad was fine. He had actually just fell off the ladder and hit his eye on the ladder which caused him to go to the ER and get 3 stitches! The following are pictures...these pictures are gross...that's your warning!

This was taken in the ER right after dad got the stitches. Doesn't look TOO horribly bad!
This was that night...looking a little worse!

Annie and Zoey Dressed up too!
So Annie and Zoey even got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up twice in two different outfits each! They are so stinkin' cute! Zoey was a pirate and a monkey!!
Annie decided to be a bumble bee and a bunny! She was so cute!!
I love them! I wonder what they will be next year???

Halloween 2009 Doggie Style :)
I was so excited for Halloween this year. Not only was Avery big enough to really get dressed up and trick-or-treat on his own, but I had my babies! Here are a few picks of all of them! 
We started off the morning by taking Avery to Murdale where they had a whole setup for kids. It was great! Wasn't Avery the cutest little pup ever!!?? He even met a friend!

After that it was about time for his nap so we went to grandma and grandpas house to hangout and watch the SIU football game. I have to say he was the cutest little skeleton too! Can you tell that he loves dogs?? :)
Then it was time to go trick-or-treating at the mall! He was so big! Walking all by himself to get candy! But, mom and dad didn't let him keep it, and he noticed!!...
I'm sure he was thinking "okay, I know there was stuff in here...where did it go??" And he just continued to look!
So far this was the best halloween yet! I think Avery had lots of fun and I enjoyed every second of it!
Monday, November 2, 2009
I will have nightmares FOREVER!
Friday night I went to the Chippendales show here in Carbondale. Although I was going for a favor to my mom, I thought it would be an interesting night...to say the least! From the very first "dance" I was completely and utterly embarrassed for those guys. I swear all you need is a good body and you're in! I took a few pics so here they are for your viewing pleasure:
So this is a pic of one of the guys out in the audience that was trying to "sell" himself. People would pay for pictures of him! I got my picture for free :) Can you say "YUCK!"?
This is when they came out dressed as fire fighters...to the song...(drumroll, please)..."Hero" by Mariah Carey. Yes, freaky!! I could not believe it! It was so wrong on so many levels. About 5 minutes after this is when we left. I hope my house never catches on fire!

This is a picture of when they were "selling" lap dances. $10 each! I'm sorry but I would not pay $10 for a lap dance from someone like that...ewww!
And last but not least...

Until next time... :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Puppy Play Date
Today was a nice, relaxing Sunday. Started off with a good breakfast with my parents and then my friend Shaunna brought her rat terrier over for a puppy play date! The weather was PERFECT for playing outside!
I apologize for adding the one picture that includes Annie smelling Lacey's butt, but it's one of the few that I could get! Not only did they have fun with Lacey, but they had a blast playing in the leaves. WE LOVE FALL!
Riding the LOCASH Train...
Saturday night was one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time. Not only did I get to hangout with some awesome people...
but I also got to see an AWESOME band in concert (again!!)! Introducing the LoCash Cowboys!
If you haven't seen them in concert it is a must (that is if you like country music)! They put on the best performance and are so much fun! Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of the night:
I'm sure you can't tell but Chris (the second picture) is even wearing an SIU shirt! They really are awesome so check 'em out! I've already seen them three times in concert and that number will only go up!
All-in-all the weekend was awesome! There is nothing like friends and country music!
Friday, October 23, 2009
My babies are the best!
So, if you remember, in March I picked up my two babies. Of course I am referring to my pups Annie and Zoey, both Cockapoo puppies. Well, it's been almost 8 months since I've brought them home and we all fit perfectly into our little home :) Here are some updated pictures from the day that I picked them up until now!
We are all very Happy! Zoey is an independent, tail wagging, licking-obsessed baby! Annie is a mommas girl and always has to be near me. They are my favorite! I will keep everyone updated on the two girls in my life.
This is the day I brought them home! They were so little!

I wonder what they will be for Halloween... :)
A New Beginning
So, it's been awhile (okay, a LONG while) since I've posted anything on my blog. Since I was last on a lot of things have changed so I will begin to update all of you on my less then entertaining life!
I guess the first big thing would be that I bought my house and closed in February!

Here I am with my SOLD sign! I was so excited when it was finally up, I just wish that I was dressed a little better! But, in my defense it was my first day in the house and I was getting ready to paint!
Since then I have painted the entire interior of the house (I will post updated pictures soon) and am in the process of updating a lot of other things which include:
- new windows
-new garage door
-new shutters
-new exterior doors
When it's all said and done it will make a huge difference in the outside appearance so it will match the inside of my house!
I guess the first big thing would be that I bought my house and closed in February!
Here I am with my SOLD sign! I was so excited when it was finally up, I just wish that I was dressed a little better! But, in my defense it was my first day in the house and I was getting ready to paint!
Since then I have painted the entire interior of the house (I will post updated pictures soon) and am in the process of updating a lot of other things which include:
- new windows
-new garage door
-new shutters
-new exterior doors
When it's all said and done it will make a huge difference in the outside appearance so it will match the inside of my house!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Therapy and Excitement
So, I've figured out what I need to do to relax and have time to myself...PAINT! I have been working extremely hard on the house to get everything painted and ready to move in and instead of hating the painting process like I thought I would, I actually LOVE it! I have come to find out that painting is very therapeutic. I have done a lot of thinking over the last few days, about nothing in particular but I have figured out that it is good to be alone for a bit and doing something that doesn't take brain cells!!
Anyway, I have painted a lot of the house!! The living room is done, the hallway is done, the office is done, the guest bedroom is done!! I'm almost done painting!! The only things left to paint is the master bathroom (that will be the last room done), the hallway bathroom (I will get that primed tonight), the last wall in the kitchen (I will do that tonight), and the master (I have alreayd trimmed so its only a matter of rolling!! YAY!! My house is coming together. I will try to take pictures of the progress and get them posted.
Now, for the puppies!! I have gotten updated pictures!! These pictures are the things I look forward to all week! Here is what Zoey looks like now:
She is getting big and she is smart (at least that is what the breeder said). She is the only left of her litter still with the breeder but she is making friends with her half-siblings so she is going great!
Anyway, I have painted a lot of the house!! The living room is done, the hallway is done, the office is done, the guest bedroom is done!! I'm almost done painting!! The only things left to paint is the master bathroom (that will be the last room done), the hallway bathroom (I will get that primed tonight), the last wall in the kitchen (I will do that tonight), and the master (I have alreayd trimmed so its only a matter of rolling!! YAY!! My house is coming together. I will try to take pictures of the progress and get them posted.
Now, for the puppies!! I have gotten updated pictures!! These pictures are the things I look forward to all week! Here is what Zoey looks like now:

Here is Annie:I love this picture of her! The report I got on her is that she has a big personality!! She is barking at toys and jumping/playing around with the other puppies and tried to get all the attention!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'm closing on the house tomorrow!! As of tomorrow at 4:00 I will be a homeowner!! So what are my plans on moving in you ask?..Well tomorrow night I will go to MY house and start with the pre-work stuff. I need to get in there and cover the floors, tape around everything and fill in all the holes from the previous owner. Saturday I will start painting!! I have most of the paint colors picked out and I am hoping to get most of the painting knocked out this weekend!!

After I get the painting finished I will start to move in a little at a time. I will be putting pictures up so you can see the before and after! I plan on really being completely moved in by the first weekend in March! So then what?? I GET MY 2 PUPPIES!! I am so excited to bring my two girls home!!
This is Annie now (2 weeks older than the previous post): She is going to be 10 weeks when I bring her home. This picture is of her at 6 weeks.
Here is Zoey. This is her at 10 weeks. I will bring her home when she is 14 weeks.

Get used to their faces because I will be posting updates on them often!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I know, I know, it has been way too long since I've posted anything! But, there hasn't been a whole lot to post until now! Here are the updates I have for you...

I will get to bring this pretty girl home the second weekend in March! Yay!!!!
The House:
I have heard that we should be closed on the house by Feb. 13...That's right Friday the 13th!!! Anyway, I'm super excited. It makes it even more exciting because I am now able to picture what my house is going to look like and how it is going to be setup! My mom and I got a lot of things accomplished this past week.
What I am NOT looking forward to is painting the house UGH! Anyone wanna help me paint my entire house!!???!??
I will put pics up as soon as I can but right now I don't have any!
Now, THE DOG!!
I have put a down payment on a little girl! I'm not sure yet what I am going to call her though...this seems like the hardest decision of all! I have added a picture of what she looks like now so if anyone has any cute names that they think would fit her let me know! I may just take a name you suggest!!

I will get to bring this pretty girl home the second weekend in March! Yay!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm a grownup...WHAT???
Okay, so as most of you know I have been looking around for houses. I have come to find that I am pretty picky when it comes to the things I need in a house...some things that most people would only like to have.

More pics to come when I can call the house mine!!!
So, anyway, I have been looking at houses, and I JUST PUT AN OFFER ON ONE!! I am fully expecting for the sellers to throw a counter offer our way (I did kind of push my luck with my offer). But, even though I probably won't get it for what I offered, it is still a great house for me! A PERFECT HOUSE FOR ME!
Here is a little information about my hopefully soon-to-be house!:
1. It's on a busy road but not too busy (which means I'll feel safe living alone)
2. It's between my parents and sister...PERFECT!
3. It's right down the road from a park (I will take walks with Avery when he is older)
4. A HUGE backyard
5. A 1 car garage that could actually fit two (one behind the other)
6. The master bedroom is huge
7. The other two bedrooms are very good sized
8. Hardwood floors throughout
9. 1 3/4 bathrooms that don't need any updating (that's a shocker!!!)
10. It already comes equipped with a doggy door (the house is meant for me and my puppy)
11. A laundry room in a very nice location in the house
12. A wooden playground in the backyard that Avery will LOVE!!
13. All appliances are included (I am hoping the washer and dryer are included too but those weren't mentioned)
14. A large walk-in closet in the master bedroom :)
15. VERY LITTLE changes need to be made!! That is what I love the best!!
That is all I can think of right now, my mind is going crazy right now!! Anyway, we will hear if they accept our offer or not by 5:00 tomorrow evening. This could possibly be my future house, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!! Check out some pics of my possibly future house:

More pics to come when I can call the house mine!!!
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