So, I've figured out what I need to do to relax and have time to myself...PAINT! I have been working extremely hard on the house to get everything painted and ready to move in and instead of hating the painting process like I thought I would, I actually LOVE it! I have come to find out that painting is very therapeutic. I have done a lot of thinking over the last few days, about nothing in particular but I have figured out that it is good to be alone for a bit and doing something that doesn't take brain cells!!
Anyway, I have painted a lot of the house!! The living room is done, the hallway is done, the office is done, the guest bedroom is done!! I'm almost done painting!! The only things left to paint is the master bathroom (that will be the last room done), the hallway bathroom (I will get that primed tonight), the last wall in the kitchen (I will do that tonight), and the master (I have alreayd trimmed so its only a matter of rolling!! YAY!! My house is coming together. I will try to take pictures of the progress and get them posted.
Now, for the puppies!! I have gotten updated pictures!! These pictures are the things I look forward to all week! Here is what Zoey looks like now:
She is getting big and she is smart (at least that is what the breeder said). She is the only left of her litter still with the breeder but she is making friends with her half-siblings so she is going great!
Here is Annie:
I love this picture of her! The report I got on her is that she has a big personality!! She is barking at toys and jumping/playing around with the other puppies and tried to get all the attention!
I am about 2 1/2 weeks away from bringing my girls home and I can't wait for everyone to meet them! The thing I am most excited about to get a picture of the two of them together!! Trust me, I will be taking pics of us picking them up so you will go along with me on the most exciting ride of my life!!
I don't know how you have so much energy to paint after working all day, but I admire your stamina. First homes are so exciting that your adrenalin must kick in to keep you going. Your girls are so cute! I wish I could see Avery the first time he meets them. The three of them will be adorable together. Get pictures to post!!!